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Professor Milton Schroth
Fire Blight
olive - DSC_5792.JPG
Crown Gall
Olive Grove
Erwinia herbicola

Meet Professor Milton N. Schroth

Professor Schroth assembled an incredible amount of data and images of world’s most important bacterial plant diseases, an indispensable resource for diagnostic purposes for scientists, gardeners and teachers.

Fire Blight

Did you know that pears, apples and many other trees and shrubs suffer from a bacterial disease that requires amputation?

The Olive Tree Crisis

The bacterium Xylella has killed several million olive trees including classic, valuable 1,000 year-old trees. This is causing pandemonium in Italy and elsewhere. What is next?

Crown Gall: Genetic Engineer

Did you know that genetic engineering of plants was perfected by a bacterium named Agrobacterium tumefaciens, long before humans?

Plant Defense Mechanisms

Did you know that plants and humans both detect the presence of pathogens and alert defense mechanisms that enable them to defend against most diseases? 

Uptake of Antibiotics

Some bacteria produced antibiotics absorbed by plant roots and crowns with beneficial effects. This may be another way to enhance growth and reduce infections by pathogenic fungi and bacteria.


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